Financial support is critical to helping our youth in need
“Durham Youth Services is committed to our vision and our mission to serve at-risk and homeless youth in Durham Region.”

Financial support is critical to helping our youth in need
“Durham Youth Services is committed to our vision and our mission to serve at-risk and homeless youth in Durham Region.”
Financial support from the public and private sectors are critical to helping at-risk and homeless youth in Durham Region. Through the gracious support of our partners, fundraising activities initiated by the Board and Youth Advisory Committee and general donations we will be able to provide housing and services for homeless youth.
Donate Online
To donate securely online with your credit card, please click on the button below. CanadaHelps is a registered charity and with Durham Youth Services offers an easy, fast and direct way to donate.
Donate by Mail
To make a donation, please send a cheque payable to “Durham Youth Services” to:
Durham Youth Services
82 Kings Crescent
Ajax, Ontario
L1S 2M6
To receive your charitable tax receipt, please provide first name, initial, last name, full address and (optionally) your e-mail address to receive your receipt electronically.
Charitable Registration # 8264 84479 RR0001