There Is A Solution And Your Input Can Help

There Is A Solution And Your Input Can Help

There Is A Solution And Your Input Can Help

There Is A Solution And Your Input Can Help

A Shelter Specifically For At-Risk And Homeless Youth In The Durham Region

On April 7, 2008, we opened Durham Youth House – a 10-bed shelter. We are also working toward opening 50 beds of transitional housing and 10 additional beds of supportive housing.

Durham Youth Services (DYS) is focused on providing safe shelter and a place to call home if life circumstances have led any youth in our community to homelessness. We also want to become a link between youth in need and the continuum of support services available in Durham Region.

The services that Durham Youth Services is providing include shelter, drop-in, meals, clothing, food cupboard, shower and washroom facilities, assistance obtaining benefits, advocacy negotiating the social service system and access to telephone and the internet.

The organization also works to ensure that residents are able to access other services including family re-connection, nutrition education, hygiene education, mental health counselling, nursing services, physician services, pregnancy counselling, parenting education, addiction counselling, life skills education, job readiness and job skills education, anger and stress management education and transportation to services.

If you would like to get on the DYS e-mail list or get updates about the progress of Durham Youth Housing and Support Services Please Contact Us.